Why grow a cactus?

I began taking care of a plant because my sisters told me taking care of a plant is good for a person's character. It helps build self-discipline. You also get a pretty plant in return. I chose a cactus because they say you can't kill a cactus. It doesn't need a lot of water and it doesn't need someone talking to it.

Unfortunately, I forgot to water it for 3 months. I forgot I even had a plant. Until Lent began and it was time to make those resolutions. So, I visited my cactus. I grieved over its desolate plight. I watered it, lovingly and generously. I came back that same evening and to my horror found my cactus in that condition called, "Explosion." Every leaf was swollen and it was on its way to cactus heaven.

Detective work at the dinner table turned up the "villian." Sr. Agatha had noticed that I neglected my plant and decided to do an indiscreet act of charity. She would water it secretly so my feelings would not be hurt. She watered it that same morning, lovingly and generously.

I gave up on plants. I could not bear another one suffering under my care. Until I found out that every cactus flowers. And the ones you see that has no flower has not been placed under the correct extreme temperatures. A desert, by nature, is very cold at night and very hot during the day. Consequently, cacti thrives under extreme temperature.

I decided to go back to cactus. In its first year, the leaf pads kept falling off. We suspected that our neighborhood kids were having fun with it. In its second year, we discovered that the black plastic used to keep away the weeds were also stifling it. Out went the plastic. The weeds flourished. The cactus bloomed.

Perhaps my self-discipline has improved. I don't say "No" to coffee very well. I only hope each passing day allows me to see the flower in every "cactus."

My next project? Hoa qùynh. Americans have dubbed it "Queen of the Night." By the way, it is a cactus.

ps. Info from http://eduscapes.com/nature/cactus/index1.htm
ps2. Photo from http://z.about.com/d/painting/1/0/x/d/1/RCasey-CactusFlower.JPG
ps3. BTW, I do have my own photos. I'm just not that great a photographer... and so, please wait for the next season.


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