A problem is to be solved. A mystery is to be discovered.
After an hour-long exposition on the Cross of Jesus as mystery, Father Nguyễn Khắc Hy sincerely remarked, “How did I do? Was I clear in my presentation? Too slow or too fast?”
Being an Asian group of women, the sisters sat silent. It was our annual retreat and Fr. Hy, a renowned theologian and university professor, was invited to give our reflections.
Father asked again, “Please tell me frankly. I don’t want to make the same mistake for the next 11 talks. Did you understand my points?”
“Father, we accept you as a mystery,” Sr. Eileen Phượng piped up helpfully. Laughter erupted. It was a classic Sr. Eileen remark.
“What I mean,” Sr. Eileen continued as she realized the full portent of her statement, “that we know the Holy Spirit guides our hearts in a retreat. It is mysterious how God uses the words of the retreat master to tell us what we need to hear.”
To Fr. Hy’s credit and humility, he smiled good-naturedly and continued without a fumble, “I will balance my talk between English and Vietnamese…since its language has its own beauty.”
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