
A clear parcel of yellow round kernels.
"Oh I paid dearly for them.. those vendors knew I was a tourist," she exclaimed.
She had just gotten back from her Holy Land pilgrimage.
"There they are, the size of our faith! I won't mind paying an eye for it except our chaplain kept laughing at me and told me to buy my mustard seeds in the US."
"Thanks Leslie... now I have this visual aid to help me explain faith to the youth... but you know the mustard seed is not the least of the seeds," I commented.
She saw the twinkle in my eye and waited for my explanation.
"The mustard seed is 1/20th of an inch, the begonia seed is 1/50th of an inch, the petunia seed is 1/100th of an inch, while the orchid seed is so small, you need a 10 to 30 power microscope to see it... and so, the point isn't to prove Jesus wrong, but that faith is present in the small ordinary things of life."
"Wow! I wish I wasn't charged so much though... I saw them everywhere... bins and basket-fulls... they say you could eat the seeds... Father kept telling me to get them in the US," Sr. Leslie continued.
"Hmmmmmmm... well I know mustard is made from grinding the seeds...mmm..." I mused.
I opened the laptop and typed
SEARCH: mustard seed in Home and Garden
$1 for 6000 seeds and $4.15 for a package of the organic varieties.
Faith is accessible.
ps. Photo
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