
Angelo looked up at me.
It was hard to say no to those pleading smiling eyes.
"It'll be lots of fun," my nephew continued. "Everyone is going to be there!" "I'll try, Angelo" I said, as I planted a kiss on his forehead and buckled his car seat belt.
He was going to turn five in two weeks, the oldest of three, and always with an undefeatable smile. Old enough to invite me and really mean it. Too young to realize that I would be back in the convent by July 23rd. He waved again as the car pulled out of the driveway.
His smile was contagious.
No one stayed mad at him long.
He would chuckle after every reprimand and tumble.
Undefeatable joy.
I remembered his 100th day birthday (as Asians would call the day a baby is born).
I was suppose to be at the airport in three hours when Mom got the phone call.
Mygnoua had just delivered.
Six days early.
We rushed out to the hospital.
Angelo was the only nephew I got to hold in my arms as a three-hour newborn.
You can say that was when I met Angelo.
Or you can say that was how I met life.
Uniquely undefeatable.
ps1. Xavier, Angelo's younger brother, is dragging him across the street. Not a typical picture of the brothers. It is usually Xavier who is hiding behind Mom and Angelo skipping into the horizon.
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