Secret Ingredient

He wanted to be the greatest kung-fu warrior in all of China.
Although he is a very chubby panda bear.
Luck and destiny lands him the guidance of Master Shifu and the Dragon Scroll.
The scroll promises limitless power because it holds a sovereign secret.
Upon opening it, Po and his friends discover it is blank.
And the enemy, Tai Lung, is upon them.
Po returns to his father, a noodle shop owner.
Mr. Ping is ecstatic that Po has given up his kung-fu dream and reveals the secret ingredient to his successful noodle soup.
"The secret ingredient is...... nothing!"
"Nothing!" Po repeated in disbelief.
"Nothing," cackled Mr. Ping enthusiastically. "To make something special, you just have to believe it's special."
With this realization, Po unravels the mystery of the Dragon Scroll and defeats Tai Lung.
"Kung Fu Panda" is reminiscent of another "secret ingredient".
"What ever did you put in this cake?" Mr. Nguyễn asked Sr. Martha, as he carefully scraped the last crumb off his plate.
Sr. Martha Hằng was the very picture of her name-sake for she can be found most times, happily puttering in the kitchen or caring for her orchids.
"Oh, I have my secret ingredient," Sr. Martha replied impishly.
"Well, what?!!?"
"Just love, honey... just love..."
To believe and to be believed in.
To love and be loved.
Hidden secrets?
Perhaps if you forget that you have a mother in our Blessed Virgin Mary.
ps. Photo from
ps2. Not the best animation from Dreamworks...
ps3. About our Mother Mary
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