
The littlest Tran in the Tran clan.
This is why he rules.
Long ago, Tiffany (the oldest niece) knew that the Tran family had one abiding rule: the littlest one reigns.
It matters little the issue.
Or the person.
Even if it is dad in his most fiery moment.
A little whimper would melt his seething logic in mid-sentence.
For this, my brothers and sisters would forgive dad in all his fickle temper.
It is enough that dad's heart could still be melted by vulnerability.
ps. Photo of Stephen as a 5-day newborn.
ps2. Tran is a common Vietnamese last name.
ps3. "See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father." (Mt 18:10)
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