Splitting Good

"Thank you!" I exclaimed as I peered into her eyes. She was visiting family, on summer break from college in New York. It was nice to see her at Marian Days.
"Please don't misunderstand me! It's not my money. You see, Sen and I found this money on the ground."
"We don't know who to return it to.... and so, we've decided to give this money to charity... so whoever lost the money can benefit from this deed of goodness."
With this, Bảo Anh and Sen headed out.
This year, Marian Days were full of organizations who were raising money for the orphans, lepers, and elderly priests.
I hoped whoever lost that $100 know that it is not lost.
It has taken on eternal value.
ps1. Photo http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1237499
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