Fairy Dreams

I would be a tree fairy.
Would you let me watch over you
when you break forth into the dark earth?
Would you let me hang dew drops
on your tender green leaves?
Would you let me play with you
when your friends, the bee and the ladybug, visit your flowers?
Would you let me hug you
when the storms come and the bugs bite?
Would you let me sit near you
when your roots are firm and your branches reaches heavenward?
Would you let me kiss you goodbye
when your fruit is picked and your body chopped for firewood?
Would you let me welcome you back
as you fall back into the earth
to give forth new life?
Would you let me be a tree fairy
so I know how to be a real person?
There is an old proverb:
If you have vision for a year, plant wheat.
If you have vision for 10 years, plant a tree.
If you have vision for an eternity, plant a child.
This poem is dedicated to my nieces and nephews, to our aspirants in my religious community, and all the youth I work with, especially the iSPY youth!
ps. Photo of Emma, Angelo, and Xavier from left to right. They are 3 of my 7 nieces and nephews.
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