
The deep blue of Monterey Bay spread beneath our feet.
The sands on the beach twinkled brightly.
"I'm getting lightheaded... I can't wait for this to be over."
The sky lift was half-way through its course and we could see a long line of persons waiting for their turn.
"Mom, I thought you wanted to do this ride?!?"
"Well, I think it is the only ride my diabetes and high-blood pressure would allow and so I did it. I'm usually a little scared of heights," she replied hastily with a grin.
"And you think I get my dare-devil blood from dad!"
She pinched my arm good-naturedly.
It was not the first time we were on holiday together.
"Holiday" originally referred to "Holy day", religious days set aside to worship God.
And rest as He did on the 7th day of creation.
It's Labor Day holiday.
Once a year for most of us.
The Creator has one every week.
Perhaps this explains the creativity and profundity of nature.
ps1. Photo from
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