The crowd of teens giggled and the adults winked.
Meeri collected her T-shirt and went to get changed.
These were all the things that the Ignite retreat wanted to burn away from the retreatants' hearts and horizons. So faith, love, and joy can light up the whole world.
We were gathered at Camp Copass for Labor Day weekend and it was "free time" for the retreatants. And practice time for the retreat team.
The "chain skit" was all about being chained to porn, hate, lust, envy, and more.
These "demons" wore white T-shirts with their vices spray-painted on them.
A strobe light gave a dizzying effect.
Who could possibly free themselves from these seductive lies?
The simple answer.
The only answer.
The forgotten answer.
As skit followed upon skit, testimony upon testimony, and song upon song, I prayed that this weekend will become indelible upon the youth's memories.
It has been spectacular because I came at an invitation of a classmate and found a gifted speaker, musician, and youth director.
It has been energizing because I got to experience youth serving youth, as they bared their heart and their wounds.
It has been divine as I was embraced by their love (it is my first time meeting 99.9% of them) and they wanted to see me again.
Dripping in sunshine.
That's what Roy said when he saw the bright yellow Ignite retreat T-shirts.
I wasn't the only one "dripping in sunshine."
ps1. For more photos, go to my facebook account: srjaninevan
ps2. The photo is on Sunday morning, at the camp's dining room. Sarah & Kimberly (near the wall) spent their Saturday afternoon sharing their stories. Curt (in front of me) made sure I wasn't getting into "trouble." Chris is the most believable Jesus ever in the skits and a stunning drum-player.
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