Making a Chain

Averted faces.
"Spirit fingers" going up. And down.
Thirty of us were lined on the corner of Garland and Buckner.
I wasn't quite sure how our iSPY youth would handle passing motorists' reactions to our signs.
"Abortion kills children."
"Adoption: the Loving Option."
"Jesus Forgives and Heals."
We were participating in Life Chain.
We were standing in honor of 50,000,000 lives ended during pregnancy.
We were remembering the loss of talent, gifts, and uniqueness each person possesses.
"The person who was suppose to find the cure for AIDS was probably aborted," Mother Teresa said.
I had shared this quote with the youth before we departed from the church.
We were silent.
Abortion is never an easy topic to discuss.
Perhaps this is why we stand in silent witness to persons (gals and guys) who had to make this difficult decision.
Perhaps this is why we were willing to brave the sun, the fatigue, and the uncertainty of how we will be treated as we stood at that busy traffic intersection.
Perhaps this is why Fr. Tan, our pastor and Chị Phượng, our pastoral council president came out with us.
As Phúc aptly puts it, "Save sex for marriage."
We softly smiled at his sincerity.
Easier said than done.
After 45 minutes of solidarity with thousands of other witnesses here in the United States and in Canada, we headed back to St. Peter's for cupcakes and reflection.
We were starving.
The doors were locked and Father had left to bring Eucharist to the homebound.
Another sacrifice to offer to God.
Some say our silent stand is for nothing.
Our faith says that God see his children.
He knows we truly care for each other and we will "conquer" each other with goodness.
ps1. Photo of iSPY youth group with our signs. ps2. More about life chain ps3. Spirit finger "going up" means "thumbs up" = yes! Spirit finger "going down" means "they are cursing you.".... I learned this terminology myself yesterday!
ps4. Lastly, but not leastly, iSPY youth is AWESOME!!!
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