
Goat steak.
Eel fillets.
The sisters are familiar with my father's adventurous eating habits.
I've brought some back to the convent and enjoyed watching the sisters squirmed reactions.
When the door salesman displayed trays of filet mignon, sirloin, and T-bone steaks, I was more intrigued with his utter disregard for my opinion.
He was a superb smooth talker.
Forty minutes later, he had clinched a deal.
He was young and I wonder if selling meat door-to-door was his aspiration.
No shame there, my dad would have commented.
Any time one of us hesitated from wearing a hand-me-down or taking advantage of a free offer at a store, he averred quietly, "You're not stealing from a bank."
He was not a smooth talker.
He raised seven kids in the old tradition.
If we spoke up, it was to agree.
Yet, he taught us to look beyond a person's appearance and livelihood.
The Trans are known for their sincerity.
He was a man of honor.
ps. Although rough in many ways, no plant ever failed to bloom in his care. Here a photo of the midnight queen. And every queen knows how to conduct herself with honor.
Courtesy of http://titania-threemonkeys.blogspot.com/2009/01/todays-flowers-queen-of-night.html
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