
I woke up this morning
and realized
my favorite color is not only

Thoughts of fuzzy yellow goslings
that my brother hatched in secret from my parents,
sunlight which makes golden bangles envious,
and your honey-rich voice
that day on the phone
makes me skip
and laugh.

I laugh
because I misplaced my planner
I laugh
because I worried silly over a co-worker's careless remark
I laugh
because "laugh at the devil and he will flee from you."

Kings adore gold
maidens are entrapped by gold
youth spend themselves over gold.

Cold gold
indifferent and merciless
is not my House of Gold
dwelling place of the King of Kings.

Hers is the smile
that won the heart of God

ps1. Quote on the devil is a paraphrase of Saint James and St. Anthony the Great's wisdom. ps2. Mary, House of Gold ps3. Photo credit:


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