How Long

Jennifer and I busted into uncontrollable laughter.
David's eyes had lost some of its puffiness but he did not look like he was completely in newly-wed bliss.
"Well, I will take this question innocently. He could be asking how I bunk with my brother," Joe slowly replied. He had just celebrated his three-year wedding anniversary and had two kids of his own.
"Oh Joe! He asked you. He didn't ask me how I bunked with my sister!" I retorted playfully to Joe.
"I'm one of seven married siblings. Sometimes it's a few weeks, a year, and sometimes never before you get use to having a body next to you in bed."
At that point, Dr. Malloy, our substitute, walked in and class started.
I wondered what Dr. Lowery's comment would have been.
He had dubbed sexual intercourse "climbing a majestic mountain" in his moral theology handbook. Sometimes it is not wise to scale the mount because the weather is bad or one's health is not optimum. However, the mountain's grandeur and beauty can still be appreciated by being in its valleys and shadow. In the same way, one does not have to engage in sexual relations to express one's love.
Many persons forget that one has to carry a heavy backpack with needed supplies to get to the top of the mountain and enjoy the view. Many persons forget that one gives up the luxury of one's sleeping habits when one gets married.
Life (and love's) little quirks to lighten up a gray December evening.
Photo courtesy of David.
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