Being Saved

"No... they keep swimming away from me. They don't know I'm trying to save them!"
We peered into the fish tank anxiously. The seven adult guppies glided in-and-out of the "shipwreck island." I had managed to scoop out twelve fry (baby guppies) already. If they are left in the tank, the adult guppies would consider them gourmet fare.
However, the fry did not know what to make of my white fish net that continually ploughed the waters and made off with their comrades. They hid close to the gravel which meant I would crush them if I scooped the gravel up with them.
I put the twelve fry safely into a separate tank.
They didn't know I was going to save them.
Just like sometimes we don't know Jesus takes us out of comfortable waters to save us.
photo credit: vectorstock.dom
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