
His mom looked at her youngest son with affection.
"I want to be homeless!" the six-year old replied confidently.
Jessica was taken aback. She herself was nearing completion of a doctoral thesis and her husband was an accomplished engineer.
"Nathan, what do you mean?" she asked soothingly.
"Well, Mom every morning I hear you pray for the homeless and so if I'm homeless, I know you will pray for me!"
Jessica laughed softly to herself.
The innocence of childhood.
The truth of Jesus' promise.
"And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it." (John 14: 13-14)
God did answer her prayers.
She prayed for others not to be homeless physically.
Who would've guessed God would flip the tables and her little boy knew the greater homelessness is to be without God's presence?
ps. True story as recounted by Sơ Thủy at our dinner table. Names have been changed.
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