
Sliced oranges in the iced tea.
Stir-fried broccoli and beef within minutes from the heat.
This was not the Ritz-Carlton Luxury Hotel.
It was the "Triple-T" cooking team for our Confirmation Retreat.
Chị Thủy, Chị Tường, Chị Thoa.
"Sơ, I can't believe this is camp food!" Annie murmured as she slowly gulped down the hot bow-tie soup. "At our camps, I always had to live on instant noodles for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack!"
"It is amazing, isn't it?" I agreed as I watched her and the youth dive into the sumptuous fare.
To make the retreat feasible, the youth was charged a minimum registration fee.
It was hard to expect anything more than pizza or instant noodles.
I was in for a delightful surprise as chicken curry and freshly squeezed orange juice was for breakfast. Snack was home-made chocolate cookies, strawberries, and wedges of oranges laid out in formation. The Tripe-T team even made a Walmart run as some of the youth craved their cereal and popcorn!
Yes, we did many activities and heard many talks about God's love.
And God's love was in action.
Especially in the kitchen the past weekend.
"Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows," Jesus said. (Matthew 10:30-31)
God does notice the details.
Like how sausage and eggs are not cereal.
Like how cookies are not popcorn.
Do not be afraid.
God is probably your Triple-T team.
ps. Looking at the bottom right-hand corner photo:
From Left to Right: Chị Thoa, Chị Thủy, Chị Tường
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