
40 pounds of rock.
60 pillar candles.
A Flavia coffee brewer.
2 car trunks, 2 truck loads, and 2 vans of supplies.
We were prepared to help 24 youth make contact with God.
My eyes opened in horror.
The power supply cord to the projector was missing.
Specifically, forgotten. I knew exactly where it was.
One hour away from where I was standing and the youth was arriving in 20 minutes.
I could wait until the next morning when there was another trip back to civilization.
"Y'll I'm heading out to find a power supply cord."
Oanh looked at me encouragingly.
"With hundreds of people out there using this Camp Copass facility, there has to be an extra power supply cord. Jesus says, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find." Let's put this into practice," I explained as I headed out into the darkness.
Michael joined me.
"Joe, I know this sounds really funny, but do you know if anyone in your group have an extra power supply cord for a projector?"
Joe had introduced himself to me when I first arrived at the camp. He was part of the ACTS retreat and wanted to let me know that they had a lodge with Eucharistic Adoration.
"Well, Sister. I don't know," he gently replied.
"I know, most groups only bring one projector with them... and why would anyone bring an extra cord? It doesn't hurt to ask, does it?" I commented.
I stepped in to the chapel for a few moments as Joe ran off to check.
"Sister, I'm sorry. We just don't have an extra one."
"It's okay. It is my fault that I forgot anyways."
"Well, I know there is another group here and you can ask Ben to help," Joe continued.
"Hmm.. what does he look like?"
The night was pitch dark.
"Ben Arayos.... he's kinda tall with a beard... oh, there he is," Joe said suddenly.
"Ben? I'm Sr. Janine!" I extended my hand to the silhouette.
"Hello Sister! How are you?"
"I'm well... I am doing something very crazy by asking if you have an extra power supply cord for a projector. I know most groups only bring one projector and then, there's only the cord for that projector... I'm just going by what Jesus says, "Ask and you shall receive."
I could tell Ben worked a lot of with youth because his calm expression did not change one bit. Youth will always come up with the strangest propositions.
We walked into their cabin.
Amazing Grace.
The name of their cabin.
"This, Sister?"
Ben waved a black cord in his hand.
Who would've guessed out of the six groups, 400 individuals, and 11 lodgings at Camp Copass, I would find a projector power supply cord in 15 minutes?
Even with preparation down to the last detail, we had other mishaps.
Yet, I knew who was in charge of the retreat.
And He wasn't going to let anything get in the way of giving His children His gift.
That was also the name of our cabin.
Amazing grace.
The name of the cabin in which we found power.
Photo: Us around our cooking concoctions!
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