Friends and Fools

The fifty-plus audience members laughed appreciatively.
We were at the Lynch Auditorium at the University of Dallas and Father John McDermott,SJ was invited to speak this year in the John Paul II lecture series.
"Yes, men and women do think differently. And once, the romantic stage is passed, you will encounter problems." The topic was "Marriage as the Primordial Sacrament."
"According to Nicomachean Ethics, there are three types of friendship." Father John paused slightly. "Friendships of utility, friendships of pleasure, friendships of virtue."
"Utility is a relationship of convenience, pleasure is delight in the company of another. Those would not last. Friendship of virtue? Well, it lasts because virtue is both useful and pleasurable."
Today is a day in which we honor fools.
Because we play the fool.
And we let others play the fool.
To our friends and family.
Usually only to our friends and family.
Because something vulnerable is revealed in a prank.
Our turn-of-phrases.
Our habits.
Our idiosyncrasies.
They may not be bad.
They may not be good.
They do reveal the unique you.
So, they can laugh. And we, too.
If you can't play the fool today (or let yourselves be fooled), then what kind of friendship are you in?
Photo courtesy of
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