It's the Cheese

Blinking red light.
"Ma'am, please step aside." The airport security official motioned to me firmly. I smiled pleasantly and thought: who knows a terrorist might travel as a nun.
It was curious how I would set off the metal detector because the other nuns in my community never had a problem. You know we wear the same thing!
As I was waiting for a female officer to pat me down, my suitcase got nabbed too.
I began to get worried.
Sr. Irene Khanh had insisted that I bring back presents to Irving.
It meant that besides my clothes, books, and laptop, I was also carrying two packages of American sharp cheddar cheese.
The usual kind.
The kind they sell at Walmart.
One knows better than to argue with Sr. Irene. It's like arguing with your aunt when she knits you an orange and purple scarf. Sister Irene was adamant that it was just cheese and I would be fine. Why am I creating a fuss when I know my sisters in Irving would enjoy it?
The officers dug deep into my baggage.
The culprits finally appeared, double-wrapped carefully in a ziplock bag.
The officers looked at each other and nodded.
"It's the cheese."
Sr. Irene would be so disappointed if the cheese did not make it through.
Despite my anxiety, I could hardly keep a smile off my face as they meticulously probed it with a round white pad and gloved hands.
Both the cheese and I made it through.
"Until now you have not asked anything in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete." (John 16:24)
Even in the little things, our Father in heaven will give us.
Sometimes we just don't think to ask.
And we lose out on the small joys of life.
ps. April is Cheese Month! Enjoy! Photo credit: ps2. By the way, cheese is recommended to be put in a checked bag.
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