
"She says I can do whatever I think is right," he paused slightly. "She says her parents never made it that far and we should be celebrating."
"Ocean, you have a good wife. I hope you're thankful!"
"Yeah, yeah," my brother replied bashfully. I knew Ocean only became sheepish when he received a genuine compliment if he had done something wrong.
I hope Emma would take after her mom's generosity.
Mygnoua's parents never made it to their 25th anniversary.
Instead of becoming bitter, she always encouraged Ocean to spend more time with his parents and they always brought their three feisty kids to visit every holiday.
Perhaps it was not by chance that Emma (in the pix) is wearing a crown of dandelions.
Some would look down upon this lowly weed.
Like they would look down upon fidelity and commitment.
"The dandelion is the only flower that represents the 3 celestial bodies of the sun, moon and stars. The yellow flower resembles the sun, the puff ball resembles the moon and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars...Every part of the dandelion is useful: root, leaves, flower. It can be used for food, medicine and dye for coloring...Up until the 1800s people would pull grass out of their lawns to make room for dandelions!"
About two years after Mygnoua's parents divorce, her dad contracted cancer.
He passed away soon afterwards.
What does a daughter's heart say when one's dad goes through a painful illness alone?
A dandelion is a weed to some.
Commitment is a burden to others.
One can weave a crown of dandelions or one can kill it with pesticides.
One can make a life with commitment or one can end life without a commitment.
ps. Quoted from http://mydandelionisaflower.org/did-you-know/
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