
"Here Livy, have half!"
Angelica tore the dead sardine in half and gave it to her sister.
Fish guts hung to her fingers.
The older gentleman nearby winced.

Bill, Angelica's dad chuckled.
The family was at Sea World in San Antonio.
It was time to feed the dolphins and sardines were $6 for four.

Steep prices for a bit of fun.
Bill did it anyway.
Angelica had just lost her mom.

Bill and Lisa adopted both Angelica and Livy when their birth mom left one morning.
Then Lisa contracted cancer.
Bill frequently stopped by our convent to mow the yard because "he wanted to give back to the Lord a little bit."

Now Angelica and Livy had lost another mom.
$150 Sea World tickets were not too much.
$6 sardines were not too much.

Angelica and Livy may have lost two moms but God sent a father with four golden hearts.

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