Old Friend from Far Away

I opened my eyes in surprise.
Sr. Gwen Huyền was opening presents from her family.
We were gathered around our Christmas tree in the convent living room.
All of us had finished opening our presents. It was mostly cash since our families lived far away.
Sr. Gwen's family lived in town and she still had a good size pile.
"It's from Corinne."
She and her husband had gotten a gift for Sr. Gwen and our community.
And me?
Corinne and I went to school together for ten years.
We had our share of fights and talks.
I became a nun.
She got married.
Friendships usually become acquaintances in these cases.
"Old Friend from Far Away" by Natalie Goldberg
The Practice of Writing Memoir
An oil print of a person standing still in a serene winterscape is on the cover.
Janine, I found this at a small bookstore and thought of you.
Hope it gives you new ideas for writing.
Old friend from far away
my words stopped for so long
to do homework, to dry the laundry,
to worry what the new year will bring
It brings
an old friend from far away.
Thank you.
Dedicated to Corinne and Anthony Le
and to Mary, Mother of God and Queen of all Hearts
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