
Blueberries for breakfast. Sliced oranges in the iced tea. Stir-fried broccoli and beef within minutes from the heat. This was not the Ritz-Carlton Luxury Hotel. It was the "Triple-T" cooking team for our Confirmation Retreat. Chị Thủy, Chị Tường, Chị Thoa. "Sơ, I can't believe this is camp food!" Annie murmured as she slowly gulped down the hot bow-tie soup. "At our camps, I always had to live on instant noodles for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack!" "It is amazing, isn't it?" I agreed as I watched her and the youth dive into the sumptuous fare. To make the retreat feasible, the youth was charged a minimum registration fee. It was hard to expect anything more than pizza or instant noodles. I was in for a delightful surprise as chicken curry and freshly squeezed orange juice was for breakfast. Snack was home-made chocolate cookies, strawberries, and wedges of oranges laid out in formation. The Tripe-T team even made a Walmart run as...