
He stopped in mid-sentence. Not a child or adult stirred. His face was beet red. His voice was choked. No one had to search Fr. Peter Tân's face. We all knew he was crying. It was the way he was. A man of tears. It worried a lot of parishioners that a priest who could cry so frequently in front of his flock would not be able to lead a parish. They forgot that Jesus wept. (John 11:15) They forgot that Jesus never had a one-year, three-year, or five-year plan. They forgot that Jesus, the high priest, never built a multi-million dollar facility. Jesus came to sick people's houses. Jesus blessed and held little children. Jesus asked his friends and followers to have a little more faith. That is why tears flowed freely at St. Peter's Vietnamese Catholic Parish the past Sunday. They knew they were losing a good priest. Hours and weeks poured into the farewell Mass and reception. This week we're losing another good priest. One who told good stories. One who worked late and w...